Taking A Walk Through The Historic City Centre of Linz During The Golden Hour

Linz is one of the lesser known Austrian cities despite the fact that it is the third largest in the country. It is located in Upper Austria with close distance to the Czech Republic and Germany. This is why most tourist come from these two countries. It is an adorable little city but one that would keep you entertained for a whole week, let alone be the reason why you'd book a flight for it.

However, if you happen to be near it or in it due to work related reasons, there is no harm in checking out what it's all about. This is what I did, when I found myself in this city called Linz, with a spare evening and a camera in my hands.

Armed with my weapons of choice, I set off to taken photographs of Linz during sundown - which is also known as the golden hour. And Linz really knows to show what it has got during this time:

Linz Österreich Austria
This image should wear the title "C'est ne church" because it is a cathetrial. This is der Alte Dome and the golden hour plays its most phenomenal trick because in reality it is not yellow, or has bronze domes. When the sun doesn't shine on it, the walls are light green and the domes are only a shade darker.

Old Cathedral, Linz | Alter Dom

Ursulinenkirche Linz
Linz has a lot of churches on offer, and weither you agree with it or not, they did know their architecture. The Ursulinenkirche is another church, this one is situated in a side street when you walk towards the Danube and off Landstraße.

Ursulinenkirche Linz
On the way to my next photo opportunity, I did not only spot an adorable dog - not pictured - but I also captured a random house on the street. The whole historic city centre is littered with these Renaissance houses.

Linz Austria Österreich
And further down the road there is the Stadtpfarrkirche:

Stadtpfarrkirche Linz Austria Österreich
The whole city centre is littered with cute side streets, a nightmare for any car but a dream when on foot: 

Linz Austria | Österreich
Linz Austria | Österreich
At the other side of the city centre lies the remarkable New Cathedral, also known as "Mariendom", which could make Notre Dame green with envy:

Mariä-Empfängnis-Dom Linz Österreich | Austria
In fact it is the biggest church in Austria, albeit not the tallest. This is because the spear lacks two meters in height since at the time of construction no church or cathedral was allowed to be taller than the St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna (boo). However, it can take more occupants than its big brother. 

Mariä-Empfängnis-Dom Linz Österreich | Austria

There are many other attractions available in Linz, museums to visit as well as the voestalpine - one of the world's leading steel producers - which I unfortunately didn't have the chance to visit. 

Nevertheless, the city centre radiates an older aura and is a great place to just wander along and find photo motives. Furthermore, Linz is surprisingly well connected with public transport. If you happen to be in Salzburg or Vienna, you can pop down using the Westbahn ever half hour for only 30€ one way. It's something I'd recommend should you have half a day to spare! 


Photos were shot with ONEPLUS A6013

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