A Mystery That Keeps You At The Edge of Your Seat: "Lion's Head Revisited"

§ I received an ARC of this book via NetGalley to review but I was not financially compensated in any way. The opinions expressed are my own and are based on my observations while reading this novel. §

Dan Sharp is a private investigator, who specialises in missing person cases, so when the 4-year-old Jeremy is missing, his mothers call him for help. At first, the case seems simple and straight-forward, and they are trying to bring the boy back safely without causing any damage. At the same time, Sharp starts to investigate who might have a motive. The deeper he digs, the more complex the matter case. Even when Jeremy is back home, he can't drop the case because things do not add up.

"Lion's Head Revisited" is the 7th part of the "Dan Sharp Mystery" but don't let that fool you. It had been the first book I read of this series and it was easy to slip right into it. You are introduced, and for avid readers, re-introduced to the characters and setting as needed. Even when starting right in the midst of it, you are not lost for a second and simply have a brief moment on which you think "oh, these characters are well developed for only one book."
Credit where credit is due, the main characters are well-developed and have more depth than typical for mystery and detective stories. Usually, the focus lies on the case but Round takes the time to include private matters and conflicts as well. Thus, creating round - no pun intended - characters with struggles, backstories, and a private life. Everything that makes them more than just being a private investigator.

While there is a danger of over-doing this by only focusing on the character's workings, in "Lion's Head Revisited" these two aspects are well balanced. I felt that it was 70% mystery and 30% private affairs.

Furthermore, most of the characters are queer - even Dan Sharp, which is part of the reason why he has made himself a name as a PI in the LGBT community. At the same time, this is not a "classic" queer read because the story is not about being queer or how being queer creates conflict. While some issues are discussed and there is light shed onto a few difficulties, "Lion's Head Revisited" is not a gay plot. Personally, I liked this change because there are lots of stories which have "how hard it is to be gay" as a plot, and even more stories with a token gay character who is never discussed. "Lion's Head Revisited" gives us a detective who goes about his business and private life and happens to be gay as well.

Then there is the mystery, it is well written and not predictable while at the same time it refrains from being confusing. The solution to it all may be a bit cliché but Round handled this well, and the final scenes had me at the edge of my train seat. When I read it, I felt that it had a similar atmosphere as Jack Reacher books do: a lone main character trying to solve an unlikely riddle but with feeling. Just that this one was quite queer.

And while I may be late to the party, "Lion's Head Revisted" managed to pique my interest. At the moment, I am looking for a place and a time when I can start reading this series in the correct order.

Lion's Head Revisited by Jeffrey Round
Published2020by Dundurn
Series: Dan Sharp Mystery #7
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  1. Thanks for taking time to review my book. At the moment, most publishers are unable to send out review copies to mainstream reviewers, so bloggers like you are doing a great job of getting the word out. Cheers!

    1. Thank you so much! It is nice to be appreciated like this and it was great fun to read your novel.


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