#BlogTour: Heavenward by Olga Gibbs: A Heavenly Web of Lies

§ I received a copy of this book to review but I was not financially compensated in any way. The opinions expressed are my own and are based on my observations while reading this novel. § 

Almost every night Ariel is plaqued with horrifying nightmares in which she is haunted by angels. These nightmares become reality when new students appear in school and one attempts to murder her. Things turn from bad to worse when Ariel is taken into the celestial world and learns that her dreams are not what they appear to be. One side wants her dead and the web of lies only thickens the longer she stays in the this other world. Meanwhile, all Ariel wants is to return to Earth and keep her sister save...

Soon after introducing you to Ariel, her daily life, and family situation you are taken along into the story. It all starts when new students appear in school, who keep you guessing and puzzled. This constant change of action followed by mystery paces the book.

Due to this slightly unfamiliar pacing, I needed a little to adjust because I had been unsure if I wanted a mystery novel or an action packed page-turner. After a little, I even began to enjoy it because it gives you short moments in which you can recover and consider what happens, and  try to figure the web of lies out. However, you only end up more confused as Ariel is given more information and things become more crocked.

The web of lies in "Heavenward" is amazing. At first you are sure that the side Ariel is at the beginning is the "morally correct" one and everyone else is a bastard. 50 pages later you are sure that it is the other way around until you go further and do not know what to believe in anymore.

This feeling is mirrored by Ariel, who has the most realistic reaction when someone is given such information. A typical Young Adult Fantasy novel has a main character who is always chill and very cool no matter what happens, and when they get told about supernatural elements it only takes a few paragraphs for them to adjust.

However, Ariel reacts in a way that you would expect from a 17 year old girl. Instead of going "I am kinda an angel, coolio" Ariel basically has a big "Am I finally insane?!" moment. Would I be told that angels are real and I have the essence of one inside me, my face would probably mirror this emoji: 🤨.

Furthermore, the descriptive element in "Heavenward" is very realistic. There were scenes in which I could feel a shiver run down my spine because they had been written so well and the scenery was disturbing.

"Heavenward" is an indie book so there are a few minor typos - I counted three over the span of 300+ pages, this can be overlooked because it offers a great read filled with lies, action, and even humour!

If you like what you just heard, you are in luck! As a follower of this tour and blog, you can receive a FREE e-copy of "Heavenward".

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Heavenward by Olga Gibbs
Published2018by Raging Bear Publishing
Series:Celestial Creatures#1
Pages: 308
Goodreads:Add to shelf
Buy on ... amazon.deamazon.com


Olga Gibbs lives in a leafy-green town, nestled amongst the green fields of West Sussex, England. She was writing from the age of fifteen, mainly short stories and novellas and was a guest columnist for a local newspaper. When she is not dreaming up new adventures for her imaginary friends, she does outreach work with teenagers.

She is currently writing a second book in the "Celestial creatures" series and another stand-alone psychological crime thriller book

Find her on:

Are you curious about Book Two as well? Then you can follow this link and pre-order it here!


  1. I think this is an interesting concept. Ariel sounds like a character done well.

  2. This sounds so interesting. I'm not a fantasy person, but this book captured my attention.

  3. Just adding the recent links to my own review and just wanted to say your blog is so beautiful! I absolutely love the design and layout of it. (Your review is also great hahah)

    1. Thank you so much! I am really happy with my blog layout, I haven't kept any other as long as this one. And thanks for the review compliment as well ♥

  4. Sounds interested but I'm not a fan of being confused during a novel.
    Gemma @ www.gemmasbooknook.blogspot.com

  5. I haven't heard of this book but that cover is absolutely stunning! Thanks for sharing it :)

  6. I love fantasy and this sounds super interesting!

  7. This is something I might pick up because of the cover 🙈

  8. Lovely cover but not something I would choose to read.


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