Blogger Organisation: Finding The Perfect Time To Post An Article

This month we'll have a look at how to find the perfect time to post an article. This is even more important when you have various categories and while it may sound familiar to last month, this time it's about special events and how to make the best of them.

While I can spot the raised eyebrows all the way from over here, bear with me. I am not talking about writing seven categories and making sure that you don't bulk post them at once. Instead, what I want to discuss is finding the perfect moment to get the most exposure for your articles.

Let's go by a simple and popular example: blogmas. It's the time of the year when the blogger community gets together and has the shared goal to post one Christmas themed post per day. While this sounds easy, what happens when you come up with a post that has a Christmas-y theme in September?

"I post it in December, you cracker." Exactly, and while it seems the obvious answer for the Christmas theme, it can be applied to many other articles as well!

The principle of this is relatively simple: if you've read and maybe even followed my prior tips, you have a set schedule which tells you on which days in the month a post goes live. If you're even more lucky, you also have worked in advance.

This means that somewhere in that pile, there are posts which are more suited for other times instead of the now. Pick those, and place them there! Viola, job done.

Because this sounds too easy and abstract in theory, I am going to give you some examples that I have actively used on this blog:

  • The Austrian Grand Prix - while I came home and filled a post with my favourite monochrome photos of the trip, I waited until F1 would return from its summer break. This way I was able to enable people who were in an F1 mood and bothered to look into the hashtag.
  • The Großglockner Hochalpenstraße - I rarely publish any articles about it unless the road is currently accessible - so from May until October. During its winter break, not many people are going to have their eyes on it.
    In addition, I use my excitement for when it opens to push a post because it's an opportunity that just presents itself. "Hey, haven't you heard that the alpine roads opens again, then look at this article I wrote about it :)"
  • Pride Month -  June is going to be a very gay month for this blog. LGBT+ is a topic close to my heart and while it may seem random to post about harder LGBT+ topics during March, June is the perfect month to do so. 
  • #Motorsport Nails - all of them are close to an event they are part of. Rebellion nails were posted in the week of the 6h of Silverstone. André Lotterer's were posted during the week of his birthday. Any F1 nail design is posted during the F1 season. It just makes a bit more sense there. 

Those can be very specific or just general times. Your "my favourite Christmas cookies" post is going to do much better in December than two weeks earlier in November. 
All you need is a broad understanding of time and events that are related to your topic, a calender, and sticking to your schedule!

While this talks about individual posts, next month, I'll show you how to successfully organise a series!

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