What's In The Car Of A Rookie Road Tripper:

With the beginning of May, the majority of high alpine roads have opened their gates again. They are free to be driven on and show the world their beautiful winding roads. This also means that road tripping season has started.

Every road trip springs a different surprise. Thus every road tripper has to prepare for almost every possibility. These things remain in the car - even when it is only used for daily commuting because one can never know. I made the experience that you always need to pack for the unexpected - which isn't easy. Thus, in the spirit of "What's in my bag" I decided to share the essentials that are in my car:

The small essentials that are always in my car are rather simple. Tissues, an USB-adapter for the lighter, and a phone charger are a must!

You never know when you'll need to wipe your nose, or in fact your bottom after having been in a bush at the side of the road. We don't talk about it but, let's be honest, every road tripper has been there before  ...

At the same time you do not want to end up running low on battery when your phone is navigating. There is nothing more unnerving than having only 10% charge but you're still a good 25k from your destination in a completely foreign part of the country. Thus, I always keep a charger in the car, along with the USB-adapter so I can plug it into the cigarette lighter.

Then there are smaller things such as a parking disc and my sunnies.

You don't want to be caught on a trip without your shades. This is why I always have at least one pair in the car. They might not always look the best but when the time comes and you keep driving with the sun in your face, fashion is the least of your concerns.

The parking disc is one of the useful everyday objects. You are legally allowed to write the of your arrival on a piece of paper but a parking disc is just a tiny bit better. Who knows, maybe you want to take a photo of the fancy church on your way and there is only a short-stay parking zone nearby.

While the parking disc is a tool to help me abide to the law, there are a few objects in the car because they are mandatory by Austrian law. These would be a first aid kit, a high-vis jacket and a breakdown triangle. They are stored in the boot, the side pocket and behind the driver's seat in case the situation should ever arise. Luckily, I have not had the "pleasure" to use any of those yet. Knock on wood.

Other small items in the car is a broom in the boot for clearing snow off the roof, ice-scraper, a package of tampons and a pencil.

Another thing that is hidden within my car and that I did not have to use so far is the spare wheel in the boot. In the year of 2018, almost every car is equipped with a spare wheel. In my case, it is not a space saver but a winter tyre. After all it would be quite unfortunate to ruin a wheel in winter and then be left with a spare for summer.

Also hidden in the depth of my boot are snow chains for the special occasion. I got them at the beginning of this year when I set out to drive to the Ötscher. I was not ready to turn around halfway there just because snow chains were obligatory and I had none.

While some people - Matthew - think that you already need snow chains when there is the tiniest bit of snow, this is not true. In fact there are signs which tell you when they become obligatory so you can continue. So far I did not have not to put them on, and so they continue to merrily travel along with me in the boot until their time comes.

Other wintery goods in my car are a jacket and a wooly hat - apparently. Both had made permanent camp by accident. In both cases I got into the car with the garments on and at some point in the journey I decided to take them off.

Since I own more than one wooly hat, and this particular jacket is only rarely used, I decided to leave them in the car should I ever get caught out by the weather. So the wooly had lives in the glove box, while the jacket had been transported into the boot.

Last but hardly least is my Gecko of Good Fortune:

While I am not a superstitious person, it is a little piece of comfort and home in my car. I know that this is my car, and companion because the Gecko is there. It holds my spare tickets from the car park and stops me from getting lost ....

... even though, it can't do much about sheer incompetence ....

What are your road trip essentials? Let me know in the comments below!


  1. I really enjoyed this! It's fun seeing what people carry in their car or handbag. You're the most organised person ever for keeping tampons in the car. I don't know why this idea has never occurred to me 😂


    1. I am happy you enjoyed it! :)
      I must admit the tampons weren't an original idea, I saw it in another car and thought "she is a genius"

  2. I have been on road trips a few times while I was in New Zealand and I can tell i was not as organized! I mean I forgot pretty much everything I needed! Good thing it was summer and we didnot have to drive in the snow!

    1. On my first road trip I was totally unorganized! I thought enough water was all that I'd need .... I was so so wrong 😅

  3. This was interesting to read - you are so organised compared to me! In my car I have a spare set of things like the car charger, adapter etc. sunglasses, and a small scraper but that's about it! Haha. Love the gecko you keep in your car! It really reminds me of an old favourite toy I had when I was younger :)


    1. Glad you enjoyed it! The Gecko is great company and super sweet. It's cute that it reminds you of a childhood toy :)

  4. This was a really interesting read, I love how organised you are - I especially like your Gecko of Good Fortune!

    Amy x

  5. Some of these are definitely just halves for road tripping mo matter where you might be going! And I love your gecko, hes too adorable!

    1. That is true, thank you for reading :)

  6. I didn't know certain things were mandatory by Austrian law, wow. And you are super organised - tampons and a phone charger, I need to sort these for my car asap. Loving your Gecko too, he's so cute! Great post and tips, thank you for sharing xx

    Lisa | www.lisasnotebook.com

    1. Thank you for reading and commenting! I am happy you learned something new as well :)

  7. This is a great post - and so helpful to those who want to go on a road trip! It's important to prepare for the unexpected - being stranded can be a pain in the arse if anything goes wrong!

    Sarah | http://www.sazsinclair.com xx

    1. Thank you, I am glad you enjoyed it :)

  8. Love this! I'm obsessed with traveling, and I've always wanted to go on a good road trip...I will definitely save this for future reference!
    -Kate // http://www.classyandkate.com/4-ways-to-revamp-your-new-years-resolutions-for-the-summer/

    1. Thank you for the comment! I hope you have a lot of fun on your future road trip(s) when you get to do them :)


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