Littletinkablee Favourite Book Covers

by Tinka 

Hi! I’m, Tinka. Owner of Littletinkablee a new Mental Health| Book review| product review and lifestyle blog out looking to help others who suffer with mental illness/ health problems while chasing/writing my dream of becoming an author.

I’m hoping that my story, that my struggles can help inspire others to continue fighting their own battle while not giving up on their own dream. I let my mental health rule over my life, I’m here now to take it back and would love to have you on my journey.

You can get updates and other going ons through my social media, all the things I can’t post on my blog. I’ll also be starting my own yoga videos on Youtube real soon, so don’t forget to subscribe!

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I know that we are always taught to not judge a book by its cover (though granted it’s usually given in the context of not judging a person by the way they look) but being a book bosomed I’m forever looking for a new book to walk around with me, to read and get lost into and sometimes I just can’t help but spot a pretty covered book and think… Yup, I’m going to buy that.

With that being said, here are some of my Favourite book covers by some of my Favourite authors in no particular order. 

Lament and Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater

Lament and Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater
I love many books written by Maggie, the world that she is able to create and draw her readers into is simply astonishing. Honestly there is no moment of, Oh… when picking up a book by Maggie Stiefvater, you’re left wanting to buy more!

Shiver, Linger and Forever by Maggie Stiefvater.

Shiver, Linger and Forever by Maggie Stiefvater.
I was majorly obsessed with this series when I had first read Shiver and part of the reason, I was drawn to Maggie’s book was because of her simple and yet exquisite design covers. I’m honestly in love with these book covers. White, Black and Silver. The colours, the designs, just everything about them!

Love Bites by Lynsay Sands

Love Bites by Lynsay Sands
I usually won’t go for books with a cover that has a singular person or typically a male on the front - I prefer the POV of the heroine -. However, with the blue font on this book, to me it looks simple and yet eye catching at the same time. Plus, the title is was defiantly one that caught my eye. Love does bite sometimes…just not in the same way that it does in this amazing book.

Passion – A Fallen Novel by Lauren Kate

Passion – A Fallen Novel by Lauren Kate
Another one of my teenage favourite reads. I was instantly captured by this series of compelling reads, not to mention that her book covers are absolutely beautiful and something you’d be proud to show on your book shelf.

If you love books, then I’m sure you know who L. J. Smith is by now and have probably even read a few of her brilliant page tuners or have been drawn to her books by one her many simple yet eye-catching and beautiful book covers. This is just one of many of the ‘vampire diaries’ book covers. 

New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

New Moon by Stephenie Meyer
This is a book that I can be more than sure a lot of my book lover friends have come across and read. But I have to say that the ‘New Moon’ book cover has always caught my eye more than most books had at the time of reading this. 

Heavenward and Hallow by Olga Gibbs

Heavenward and Hallow by Olga Gibbs
I came across heavenward this year, instantly drew me to it by the sheer beauty that the purple cover held, the story inside is what hooked me. The second book was brought out this year and the cover is just as beautiful as the first and the story line just as intense and mind gripping as the last.

Blue Angel by Logan Belle

Blue Angel by Logan Belle
This book isn’t like all the others that I would usually have read when I was a teenager, meaning that it doesn’t have vampires, werewolves, elf’s, fairies or anything mythological or magical creature mention in the book. Something about this very simplistic yet exotic cover drew me to it, not to mention the title of the book drew my eye. 

These aren’t ALL of my favourite book covers, I have far too many for this post and will save it for another. Do you have any favourite book covers, what are they?


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