A Mystery With A Touch of The Supernatural:
A Haunting in Edinburgh

§ I received a copy of this book to review but I was not financially compensated in any way. The opinions expressed are my own and are based on my observations while reading this novel. §

"Cornelius sighed and said, "That little detective agency you have going-"
"It's not a real agency, I'm not a real detective. Things just, sort of, fall into my lap," Atticus insisted."

Just as it happened in "Digging for Skeletons" when Atticus went on holiday to an archaeological dig and ... oh no that's not a vase. Similar to the first book when he went to work at the museum only to discover that the dead body does not quite belong to the exhibition.

In "A Haunting in  Edinburgh" it is not Atticus who stumbles over the remains of the dead body, instead his friends encounter strange phenomenons while staying in The Gothic. At first Cornelius hears odd creaking in the bathroom, soon a disembodied voice warns him to leave the hotel. Things turn from bad to worse when blood gushes out of the sink and every guest in the hotel has another supernatural encounter. This is when they ask for Atticus' help.

Naturally, he does not believe in the supernatural. However, soon after he starts his investigation a ghostly head floats above him, blood covers the walls of the room, and the group stumbles over what appears to be a corpse ...

While reading I was torn between believing in the supernatural elements of the story but also wondering if there is an earthly explanation for the mystery. If I am honest I began to argue with my eReader, "this is crime fiction. It can't be ghosts!" It was similar to Atticus who was trying to comprehend what had been happening in The Gothic. I could sense that he was a close to a breakdown because his beliefs have been turned upside down. I adore that Horton played with this element of the story only to leave the question open up until the last moment.

Even though this is the fifth book in the series one does not have to read all prior books. A few hints are going to make more sense if you do, but the plot stands alone. Still I would have enjoyed a brief introductions to the characters again because the last time I read an "Atticus McLaren Mystery" was half a year ago. Thus, I needed a few pages to remember who is who.

Overall, "A Haunting in Edinburgh" offers you a mystery that reads like an Agatha Christie novel: with ease and elegance. The balance between character development and story line feels just right. So, if you are looking for an exciting mystery plot with a touch of the supernatural .... then look no further!

A Haunting in Edinburgh by Spring Horton
Published:2017 by Divergence Productions
Series: The Atticus McLaren MysteriesNo. V
Pages: 83
Kindle Edition:amazon.deamazon.co.uk

Learn More About The Atticus McLaren Mysteries: 


  1. Seems like a great book. I do enjoy reading some mystery novels though I am not a follower of the genre per se...yet this appears to be something I would enjoy.

    1. That's great to hear! If you read it, let me know what you think! xX

  2. This book sounds really interesting and one I would enjoy too! I'm not an average book reader much to my mums disappointment but maybe I'll give this one a try :)!

    L xo

    1. Ha ha, I think my mum is disappointed that I don't read less because it clutters the rooms :D I hope you're going to enjoy it!

  3. Although I read a lot, this isn't the sort of genre I'd read. I don't like supernatural type stuff. But I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  4. A mystery plot with a touch of the supernatural - sounds great! I like that you don't need to have read all the other books in the series first, I'd find that a little off putting. Atticus sounds really cool, I shall have to head over to Amazon and check this book out - thank you for the recommendation! x

    Lisa | www.lisasnotebook.com

    1. I hope you enjoy reading it, tell me what you think! Xx

  5. You're welcome! I hope you enjoy it as well.


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