Taking A Look At Ingolstadt's Altstadt

Ingolstadt featured in my Travel ABC in the now long gone year of 2018. Back then I claimed that technically I had never visited Ingolstadt because I've only been to the Audi museum, and thus, I can write on the list and should luck carry me there again, I would ogle at the Altstadt.

Then as luck would have it, I happened to be in Ingolstadt once more in the summer of 2019. After visiting the Audi Museum again, I also decided that I would take a look at the city centre because when would such a chance arise again?

Ingolstadt Altstadt
The ancient city centre can be explored during a brisk walk and mostly contains shops and food stores. The architecture is typical for a German city in Bavaria. Most notable are the amount of iconic Bürgerhäuser. It is perfectly suited for a nice stroll, as well as the chance to do some minor windowshopping.

Ingolstadt Altstadt

Ingolstadt Altstadt

Ingolstadt Altstadt

Ingolstadt Altstadt, Matthäuskirche, erste protestantische Pfarrkirche in Ingolstadt
The Matthäuskirche is the first protestant church in Ingolstadt and having been built in 1845 it is also the oldest in Bavaria. When walking through the area of Schrannenstraße and Holzmarkt, the bake stone construction is an impressive eye-catcher.

Ingolstadt Altstadt Blick aufs altes Rathaus mit Pfeifturm und Moritzkirche
When walking through the streets, one is going to come across a glimbs of the Altes Rathaus (engl. old town hall) and its Pfeifturm. The Rathaus had been constructed in the 14th centuries and actually consisted of four different buildings which were later unified. Later in 1960 the Neues Rathaus (engl. new town hall) had been built which lead to many offices being moved.

However, more prominent is the Pfeifturm - which, even if sloppy sounding, translates as whistle tower. It is 63 meters high and had also been built some time in the 14th centuries. It's odd name stems from its use. Since it marked the highest point of the city, it was used as a look-out and should there be a case of fire, watchman would whistle to alert the people. Obviously, the practise fell into disuse as modern technology evolved. Nowadays, the tower is during the new year when wind players celebrate it.

Ingolstadt Altstadt Ickstatthaus
The Ickstattahaus is another Bürgerhaus that you can't help but notice. It also consists of the highest baroque façade in southern Germany. The building was named after a famous inhabitant at the time: the German jurist Adam Freiherr von Ickstatt.

Opposite of the Altes Rathaus, you will be unable to miss the Neues Schloss:

Neues Schloss

it is a big and white-washed Schloss that had been constructed from 1418 to 1501 by Ludwig dem Gebarteten. The architecture had been inspired by the French and Gothic style. During the 18th century the belfry had been added.

Nowadays it is home to the army museum, which one could guess because of the old cannons lined up in the courtyard.

Ingolstadt Altstadt Neuen Schloss

Ingolstadt Altstadt Neuen Schloss

Ingolstadt Altstadt Neuen Schloss

Ingolstadt Altstadt Neuen Schloss

If you are a car enthusiast and stop by the Audi museum anyway, there is no harm in taking a peak at the city centre as well - unless we are talking about parking opportunities. As with most European and older city centres they are tight, mostly a maze of one way streets and parking is rare. I stumbled over relatively cheap P+R at the train station that is also in the area.

Overall, the inner city of Ingolstadt is worth a visit if you are in the area. There are cute little shops as well as cafés.


  1. Your pictures are absolutely fantastic, amazing photography!


    1. Thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed them :)


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