The Books I Look Forward To Reading In 2018

As the year nears its end, we all look at our goodreads challenges and are hopelessly behind. There is a pile of books to your right, and an eReader filled with promises to your left. It is quite impossible to cram all the books into the two weeks remaining. This year is as good as over. Instead, it is time to look forward. Let's brush off our failures and rejoice in the joy what is to come for 2018!

Browsing through the internet, goodreads and my own TBR pile, I wondered what are the books that I have to read in 2018. The ones that must end up on my "read" shelve.

Ship It 

by Britta Lundin 

As someone with a fandom disposition the title caught my eye. At first I thought it was a coincidence but reading the blurb revealed that the book is indeed about fandom and shipping. On top of this, there seems to be a LGBT component as well. Win, win, win!

It tackles the age old question of shipping - no, not the DHL thing, the thing where you imagine two fictional characters in a romantic relationship - and the actor of a character involved reacting like an arse when asked a question about the mere possibility.

In this case, Forest claims that his character can't be gay because he - as a person - is not, and laughs the idea off. This does not go down with the LGBT community or the fans, and hence they hire the shipper (Claire) to join the cast on their tour ...

If the book is well written, and tackles the elements in an almost Rainbow Rowell way, then it is going to be a lovely read for your friendly neighbourhood fangirl. The book is going to be released in May 2018, and I am already standing in line to get my hands on a copy.

♦ A full review is available here ♦

A Haunting in Edingburgh 

by Spring Horton

I am a fan of the Atticus McLaren series. It consists of various short-stories centered around a murder and the autistic main character: Atticus. I picked up the first book after someone had recommended the series to me and nowadays I don't want to miss a single book from the series.

They're well written, and easy to read even when you're exhausting. Somehow Horton manages the right balance between a cosy and thrilling read. Hence, I was delighted to be told that on New Year exactly, a new book is going to be published!

with thanks to Spring Horton for providing me with a copy of the cover
This time the adventure involves a trip to Edinburgh, and a hotel in which sinister things are happening: there are strange noises, cold drafts and sinks that spew out blood. It is not just Atticus and his friends that experience these phenomenons. Thus, the team decides to investigates!

The blurb promises ghost hunting, action, and a lot of confusion. I can't wait to get my grabby hands on a copy of this book!

♦ read my review of the book here 

We Were Liars 

by E. Lockhart

E. Lockhart already impressed me with her writing in "How To Be Bad" (review can be found here), and amazon has kindly recommend "We Were Liars" to me a few times. This time I had a snoop around the blurb. It promises a mystery within the family, a tragic accident, love and an ending that has been inspired by "Gone Girl" (Gillian Flynn).

Cadence only remembers a car accident of the Summer Fifteen - it was an accident that killed her boyfriend, left her in pain and away from school for a whole year. Her family is reluctant to tell her more about the summer and what happened. As the family returns to the island, Cadence seems to remember more and more ... finding the truth bit by bit.

♦ you can find a short review in my Winter Round Up ♦

You'll Miss Me When I'm Gone

by Rachel Lynn Solomon

This book convinced me right after I had finished the blurb. I need to read this! The story is about twin sisters who have very little in common. Viola wants to become a soloist, while Tovah waits for her acceptance to John Hopkins to eventually become a surgeon. However, a positive test for Huntington could wreck their future. One twin is teste negative, while the other is tested positive.

People who were lucky enough to get an advanced copy say that it is a "beautiful" and "haunting" book. The plot sounds so intriguing that I am glad that another edition is going to be released on the 2nd of January!

The One Memory of Flora Banks

by Emily Barr

This book came to my attention by reading a review at the beginning of the year. Sadly, I can't find the link if my life depended on it. The review sounded good and the story line also intrigued me:

Flora suffers from amnesia. She can never hold a memory longer for more than a few hours. At least until one fateful day when a boy kisses her on the beach. She forgets everything else but the kiss. However, the boy is gone and in a pursuit to find the ability to remember she has to find him now.

The book ended up on my to be read list. The reason why I have been stalling in buying the book and reading it, was that I am careful in case the story is treated in a "only the handsome boy can fix the poor broken girl" way. Then Mariya gifted me the book for my birthday last month, so now I am curious how Barr deals with this element and tackles the story!

♦ you can find a short review in my Winter Round Up ♦

Are there any books that you are looking forward to reading in the new year? Or just like me, do you have any books that you finally want to read in 2018? 


  1. Oooh I definitely want to read ‘The One Memory’. I haven’t made a reading list yet but I will! X

  2. The One Memory sounds really interesting. You've got a really varied selection here x


    1. I think it's the book I'll read first in the new year! And yes, I tend to read from genres all over the place 😅😅

  3. A very interesting list... will definitely want to check out You will miss me when I am gone


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