"Heaven In Hiding" - A Celestial Creatures Playlist

"Celestial Creatures" is a fantasy novel series by Olga Gibbs: 

Ariel is thrown into a ruthless and violent world, as it turns out that she carries the essence of an archangel inside of her. Throughout her journey, she struggles with her promise towards her sister as well as embracing this new part of her. 

The story is not shy of the hard reality of life, and does nothing to beautify trauma. I enjoyed reading it very much, and in fact so much, that there were songs that reminded me a lot about Gibbs' work. Thus, I put together a playlist to catch the atmosphere that she provided. 


  1.  Low Life - Ambassador X 
  2. Meet Me In The Woods - Lord Huron 
  3. Birdcage Religion - Sleeping At Last 
  4. Lonely Hunter - Foals 
  5. Hurricane - MS MR
  6. Four Walls - Bastille 
  7. Backyard - Of Monsters and Men 
  8. Graveyard Whistling - Nothing But Thieves 
  9. Leave The Light on - Tom Walker 
  10. Thistle & Weed - Mumford and Sons 

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