Depicting Something Unusual: Reviewing "Junkyard"

§ I received an ARC of this book via NetGalley to review but I was not financially compensated in any way. The opinions expressed are my own and are based on my observations while reading this novel. §

"Junkyard" shows you a world that was kept from almost everyone: Rudi Klein was a collector of old, ruined, and damaged European cars. He kept all of those in a "little" and private junkyard at the outskirts of L.A.. He started in 1967 and kept going until his death. However, he was always very selective about who got to see his treasures: high fences guard the property and hardly anyone is admitted. If you wanted a piece, his price would be high but in the end, you'd crumble and pay.

Junkyard by Roland Löwisch and Dieter Rebmann

However, in 2001 Löwisch and photographer Rebmann managed to broker a deal and gain access to the junkyard. Armed with a camera and trying to keep their endless questions to themselves, they were given an exclusive tour. The result is the photos captures in this book.

"Junkyard" consist of 158 pages of photographs. All taken with an analog camera, which makes the quality of the photos even more impressive. Rebmann trying to capture the atmosphere of the junkyard, full of broken bits and pieces, and cars that used to decorate the streets. Furthermore, he pays attention to detail instead of focusing on "just" a car. Thus, you are met with photos that focus on a wheel, or broken set of lights. A personal favourite had been the set of photos of nature taking back a car, and grass growing all over it.

Junkyard by Roland Löwisch and Dieter Rebmann
Junkyard by Roland Löwisch and Dieter Rebmann

Rebmann managed the capture an atmosphere of mixed emotions: awe at the sheer size of the junkyard. A bittersweet feeling of nostalgia after all these are all broken wrecks waiting to be stripped or crushed, as well as fascination because this is a rare sight to behold.

Löwisch adds to the feeling of the book with information and background story. The translation from German into English works as well and no information or feeling seems to be lost. As such you learn that Klein has not hoarded these cars but he made quite a lot of money with them. And you'll know that if you visited the Audi Museum in Ingolstadt before, that you walked right past a car that belongs to Klein. Furthermore, you also discover that this is a book of the past: the junkyard does not exist anymore.

Overall, "Junkyard" is a perfect coffee table book for car lovers which depicts something unique.

 Junkyard: Behind the Gates at California's Secretive European-Car Salvage Yard by Roland Löwischand Dieter Rebmann 
 published  2020 by Motorbooks
 pages    176  
 ISBN13 9780760367681 
 translated from German by Tony Lewin 
 original title Junk Yard Traumautos auf dem Edelschrottplatz from 2017
 Goodreads:Add to shelf  


  1. This book sounds amazing. I liked the snippet of photos you showed in your review. Fascinating!

  2. Seems like a very interesting book.

  3. Sounds like a good read if you're interested in junkyards :) Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

  4. I am glad that you enjoyed this book.

  5. It is certainly different. I agree car enthusiasts will probably love it.

  6. What an intriguing read. I bet it was fascinating to see the photos!

  7. This looks so cool - I really love the look of the photography it looks so scenic and really gorgeous x

    1. The photography is phenomenal! 😍

  8. Intriguing book - May have to check it out


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