Travel ABC: Dream Destinations from A - E

Each of us has a list of places, cities, and mountain passes that they want to visit one day. Usually, this is known as a "travel bucket list". The other day, I sat on the sofa, twiddling my thumbs and looking at mine when I started to wonder if I'd be able to fill the whole Latin alphabet with places that I'd like to visit. 

The first impression was "no, of course not" but bitter determination came to me and I set out to complete this list. This meant that I had to go beyond my travel bucket list, think a bit left-field and use a search engine. 

Below you can find my dream destination ranging from A to E: 

A: Algiers

... the capital of Algeria, and a beautiful city as it is. It has a beautiful inner city and an allegedly stunning view onto the dunes. Furthermore, the city offers a waterpark and museums rammed with history, and classical and modern art.

It sounds like a typical city trip but filled with a different culture! Most importantly, it is a destination that begins with "A".

B: Budapest

The city of Budapest is also known as the capital of Hungary, the city of lights, and the city of baths. On another note it is the title of a song by George Ezra.

For me Budapest is the travel equivalent of a Sisyphean task. It is the city that Sovotchka and I wanted to travel to for almost three years now and yet it has not happened yet. It should be easy: I live an hour away from the Hungarian boarder. There are various trains that could take me there.

However, last year the we remembered our plan around September and on a cold October morning I said "it's far too cold, let's wait for another year." "No problem," was the response.

C: Côte d'Azur

The Côte d'Azur has always tried to pull me to it. Maybe it's the glamour, or maybe it's the idea of chilling on a beach right next to the sea.

Whatever it may be I want to drive along its shoreline, going from Monaco to St. Tropez, taking a look at Cannes and Bras. The only difficulty is that I fear that while I do love my car, a Diesel Seat Ibiza might not quite cut it for this trip ...

CC: Porsche AG

D: Deutsche Alpenstraße

The Deutsche Alpenstraße - or in plain English: German Alpine Road - is a road that starts just after the Austrian/German border behind Salzburg and terminates at the Bodensee at the other end of Germany. Or vice versa depending where you start.

It takes you via a scenic route next to the alps through Bavaria and Allgäu. On the way, you are presented by scenic views, pretty lakes, classic village centers, and impressive castles. It should have been the second bigger road trip of mine.

However, as time goes on, it seems to become something more and more alike to Budapest: it should be a simple and easy trip to plan and do and yet, it's just not happening!

There is always another trip that takes priority, then it's too late in the year so you decide next year sounds fine too ...

E: Port d'Envalira

With 2.408 meters the Envalira Pass is one of the highest paved roads in Europe. Not only this, it is the highest paved road in the Pyrenees.

Honestly, how could anyone expect my road tripping and mountain pass loving soul to miss this opportunity!


  1. Oooh this is such a good idea! Would you mind if I took this A-Z of travel idea and did it myself? I'll obviously credit you in the post of course! I bet this will be so challenging as I don't like hot places so eeeek... Hungary looks incredible doesn't it? But again, not in the middle of summer!


    1. Feel free to give it a shot yourself, I'd be super curious as to what your ABC consists of - like you said, with appropriate credit please. :)

      I don't really mind hot weather, but it can get unbearable when you are in a city. Budapest is a Spring/Autumn travel for me ;)

  2. I've always been intrigued by road trips so the Deutsche Alpenstraße is something that I would love! Great idea for a post! x

    1. Thank you! So far I can state that driving in Germany is great fun and Alpenstraßen are always a good choice :)

  3. I may steal this too!
    Budapest was amazing and the Cote d’azur Is stunning. I did 5 weeks there when I was 18. You will absolutely love it!! X

    1. I WISH I could do five weeks, that would be so amazing!

      Feel free to steal the idea - with credit please ;)

  4. I should try this too may be... not sure though whether it will motivate me or just make me feel bad about all the places I may never get to visit.

    1. Sure, some of those places might be unrealistic but bucket lists are there to reach high :)


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