The Atticus McLaren Mysteries Go Cinematic And Why You Should Be Paying Attention

At the beginning of this year Spring Horton published the fifth book of the "The Atticus McLaren Mysteries". After I read it, I began to wonder where the story would continue: What would happen in the future and in what shape would the next mystery be presented?

These questions were answered with a plot twist. The Atticus McLaren Mysteries are going to be made into a TV series which is going to consist of  six episodes - roughly an hour each.

"Wait, not so fast ... what are the Atticus McLaren Mysteries to begin with?"

As mentioned above, the story started as a series of short novels. In each story, Atticus stumbled over a murder mystery. In the end, he manages to solve the murder with the help of his friends and so the world become a better place. These novellas made for a light and entertaining reading during long train-rides or lazy evening in the garden.

What stands out from other mystery stories is that the focus is not always on the riddle but on the character development and their relationships. This is highlighted by additional scenes that put the plot aside for the moment. Thus you are not always presented with an action-packed and fast-paced story but instead it feels like a rather cosy murder mystery.

On top of this, the characters vary from the standard stereotype cast of "straight white dude saves the day." For one, Atticus is autistic - for me that would make the first television show that has an explicit autistic character where the story does not focus on this feature. On top of this, almost all of the characters are LGBT+. The same way that being straight is never a mayor plot point, being queer isn't either. This makes for a refreshing difference when you come from television shows that usually offer you bland and forced heterosexual romance and characters.

Divergent Productions states that representation had always been important to them because "many of us are autistic ourselves or have a family member who is, but many of us are part of the LGBT community too and it was just as important that this was represented in our story as well."

The characters are not the only thing that The Atticus McLaren Mysteries have to offer. The mystery and solution are always entertaining to read/watch.  Sometimes it's a "simple" murder, other times there might be a seemingly supernatural element involved. The progress and the ideas are something that you can follow along until someone - usually Atticus - has a big "AHA!" moment.

The series is going to be shot in the United Kingdom in the Edinburgh area - Portobello and other beaches. If you are interested in a small preview, check out the video below:

The production of "The Atticus McLaren Series" is in its baby steps and to date still needs a little bit of funding. If you are interested in helping the project along visit their "Seed and Sparks" page:

If you are unable to spare a bit of money - we've all been there (looking at you new washing machine), you can follow along and get regular updates and share your support when possible.

For more information, don't forget to check out Divergent Productions on
and their blog.

Learn More About The Atticus McLaren Mysteries: 

Learn More About The Atticus McLaren Mysteries: 


  1. Just yesterday I was thinking of which book I want to read next because it has been months since I read a good book or any book. And today you posted about this book with the promise of a tv series. I'm definitely going to check if it's available in my library and issue one of the books in the series.

    1. Ha! That's such a cool coincidence. I love it. I'd be glad if you were to check it out, they're available on amazon for a cheap price :D


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